Our Chocolate Roll-On Wax Cartridge has a strong and creamy texture with a rich chocolate fragrance. This roll-on wax is made with a hypoallergenic formulation and natural ingredients that are good on all skin types and hair. Additionally, this wax heats up at a low temperature to ensure the ideal level of satisfaction for clients.
Chocolate wax prevents ingrown hairs. It can get to the smallest of hairs and leave the skin with a fresh and healthy shine. Additionally, the essential ingredients in the chocolate wax allow it to slide evenly without sticking on to the skin.
Like the rest of our roll-on waxes, our Chocolate Roll-On Wax Cartridges are made in Italy with only the finest ingredients. These convenient, disposable waxes are excellent for large areas of the body like arms, legs, and back. If you are a professional esthetician or student of cosmetology looking to provide a premium-quality service to your clients, our aloe roll-wax is a perfect choice.
Cartridge Size 100 ml / 3.3 fl. oz.